Bearded dragons have a very unique set of teeth. Similar to many other pet lizards, some of a beardie’s teeth are ‘acrodont‘, which means their teeth won’t replace themselves.
But not all of a bearded dragon’s teeth are constructed in quite the same way. Some will grow back whilst others will not.
The front set of a bearded dragon’s teeth are primarily used to grasp and rip apart their prey such as crickets and worms. Because of how exposed these are to damage, these teeth have the ability to regrow.
The same however can not be said about the rear sets of teeth. These are fused to the jawbone of your beardie so if these teeth get worn down, your bearded dragon is forced to start using the bone to chew their food.
This makes proper dental care of your beardie very important.
Besides the general wear on the bone structure within your beardie’s mouth, other problems can occur. A condition known as infectious stomatitis can occur, which is also known as mouth rot.
If your bearded dragon catches this condition, you will have to seek treatment and adjust its eating regime because it may be too painful for it to eat regular food.
There are a variety of factors that cause your bearded dragon to have dental problems. Soft food that is high in sugar can cause rot within your bearded dragon’s mouth.
Excessive volumes of the following will contribute to bad teeth in your bearded dragon:
A bearded dragon exposed to too much stress can go on to suffer from bad teeth.
It may not be noticeable, but taking caution to create a stress-free environment for your beardie will go a long way to avoiding teeth problems.
For a full list of reasons, you can check out this guide on what may be causing stress in your bearded dragon. However, if you want a quick top 10 list, then check the list out below:
The reason your beardie’s teeth are affected by stress is that their immune system will begin to deteriorate when under stress.
This can mean that relatively minor infections that would normally be fought off, can quickly lead to oral problems.
While calcium powder is suitable for your beardie’s bones and will help in a healthy skeleton, giving your beardie too much will contribute to bad teeth as well.
By contrast, too little calcium or other micronutrient deficiencies can contribute to poor oral health. It is recommended that you read the label of your supplements to ensure the proper amount is being dispensed.
Many calcium supplements have added Vitamin D3, too much of this can be damaging for a bearded dragon. Look out for a calcium supplement without Vitamin D3 like the one above.
Note: Sourcing Vitamin D3 from natural sources is always better than relying upon supplements.
If your beardie gets sick or develops an illness, there is a good chance that its teeth will suffer. This is simply due to the immune system deteriorating.
Ensure that you pay close attention to the general health of your beardie to prevent subsequent illnesses.
When bearded dragons fight, this triggers a biological response, which adds to a bad teeth problem in your lizard. Bearded dragons that live together can often be faced with these issues.
Beardies are typically solitary creatures and therefore, if your beardie is forced to share space with another dragon then it can elevate stress and increases the risk of injury.
It is widely recognized that co-habitation of bearded dragons should be avoided.
Finally, feeding your bearded dragon a large struggling insect can contribute to a bad dental state. Food should not be wider than the distance between your beardie’s eyes, this is a good general rule to go by.
If you notice the teeth and gums within your bearded dragon’s mouth are turning black, it is crucial to make some changes in your pet’s life.
You can prevent further damage to the teeth by changing your beardie’s diet from soft, fatty foods to harder, and more substantial foods.
Variety is essential, but complementing a largely soft-food diet with hard foods will go a long way in maintaining your beardie’s dental health.
Feeding your beardie fewer soft foods will avoid small food particles from forming within your beardie’s gum line.
These particles cause plaque, which eventually causes tooth rot and decay.
Consider feeding your beardie fully developed insects instead of just larvae or worms.
Stress causes dental difficulties, as well. If you notice your beardie is surfing the glass of its tank then it may be suffering from anxiety.
However, just because your beardie is glass surfing, it doesn’t necessarily mean he or she is stressed but it might be time to change something about its environment.
Note: You can find out more about bearded dragon stress here.
If you notice poor dental hygiene in your beardie then you are going to want to give the teeth a clean. It is also good to make this a part of your regular routine.
Cleaning your bearded dragon’s teeth should be a gentle process. All you have to do is take a cotton bud and use an appropriate dental solution like Oxyfresh to dampen it.
Using the cotton bud, gently wipe away the plaque from the base of your beardie’s teeth in a gentle, circular motion.
Do this every second day to prevent an excess of bacterial overgrowth, which can lead to tartar build-up and cavities.
Take care to spend an extra amount of time swabbing your pet’s gum line.
This will help in the prevention of gingivitis.
Note: To expose the teeth, you may have to gently peel down your beardie’s lip, which will allow access to the base of the teeth.
Because bearded dragon teeth lack actual teeth sockets, caring for your beardie is vital as a missing rear tooth will not grow back. There are several steps you can follow to prevent dental problems.
Avoid inappropriate nutrition and stick to healthy foods that tend to be on the hard side. Provide proper nutrients to your beardie, which will aid in preventing infection.
Avoiding opportunities for trauma will also lead to improved overall dental health.
Dental hygiene is the same as overall health. For a happy, thriving pet, don’t forget to take all the steps necessary to avoid dental problems, which can turn into more significant, general health issues.
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