9 Reasons Why Bearded Dragons Are Good Pets

If you’re looking to get a beardie, you will probably want to know if bearded dragons are good pets.
Interest in beardies continues to spike in terms of pet ownership in North America and the UK; this is mainly due to their calm nature, long life span, and ease of care and maintenance.
Even herpetologists admit that beardies make excellent pets! And here are just a few of the reasons why.
1. They Have Amazing Personality
Pet beardies have a variety of behaviors. These are specific to the individual beardie; their body language indicates their mood and health.
Understanding these behaviors is essential for anyone looking to own a beardie. They are, in general, not aggressive – which makes them so adorable!
These exotic lizards will not mimic others of their kind, so whatever body language they display is always a true reflection of their mood.
They mainly show a reaction when there’s a female beardie within their line of sight.
They may exhibit different behavior when they sense an unknown presence or when another bearded dragon approaches them and particularly when they feel threatened by a larger animal.
Some of the behaviors you will grow to recognize include:
- Gaping
- Arm Waving
- Head Bobbing
- Glass Surfing
It is essential to know what each of these behaviors means, so you know what mood your beardie is in.
2. They Are Easy to Handle
In general, handling a beardie is a pretty simple task as they are very tolerant creatures- provided you do it with care.
The first thing to take note of is never to lift a bearded dragon by its tail.
If by chance, the tail gets damaged due to rough handling, it won’t regenerate and it could lead to tail rot.
Another great thing is that they take up virtually no space in the house, and you most definitely don’t have to worry about coming home from work to a mess, as some of our furry pet friends are prone to do when let off the leash.
These friendly lizards provide many warm years of companionship if they are well fed and adequately cared for.
3. They Are Easy to Feed
Beardies (also known as Pogona Vitticeps) are a species of lizards with a mild temperament and are very easy to feed.
They are munchers who revel in a variety of readily available foods such as insects and worms.
Providing proper nutrition not only keeps them healthy, but it also helps increase their lifespan and improve the vibrancy of their scale and spike coloring.
The Best Things to Feed them
Beardies are omnivorous reptiles that will eat
- Worms
- Insects
- Vegetables
- Fruits
Their absolute favorite includes worms and crickets, but they love to have a good munch on fruits like papaya and figs (an excellent source for calcium) and vegetables like broccoli and kale.
Some of the most favored treats for a beardie are crickets and .
They have high levels of protein but just be careful not to feed too many, especially to the baby bearded dragons who can struggle to digest mealworms.
4. Size
The size of a bearded dragon varies a bit from one lizard to another.
Bearing that in mind, a healthy adult bearded dragon can reach 16 to 24 inches in length, from their head to tail tip, and their weight generally falls between 280 and 510 grams.
This can rise or fall depending on their diet.
5. Individuality
While some captive beardies tolerate the company of others well, it is ingrained in their DNA to live independently.
Bearded dragons are solitary creatures by nature and typically fare better by themselves, and as such, they are perfectly fine with being alone in their enclosures.
If you’re worried your beardie might feel lonely or in need of a kindred friend, you can rest assured that it won’t, so toss that worry out the door.
6. Longevity/Life Expectancy
The average life expectancy of a bearded dragon kept in captivity is about 5 to 8 years, but many live up to 10 years, and with meticulous care, some get to live up to 14 years.
There are ways to increase life expectancy with proper care and a suitable enclosure setup. Some tips to consider are:
- Regularly exercise your beardie
- Play and interact with them
- Ensure you set the correct humidity
- Provide a well balanced diet
7. Sleep Schedule
Understanding how your pet snoozes is an essential part of caring for them.
Where most reptiles are nocturnal, the bearded dragon stands out by being diurnal, meaning, like us humans, they perform all activities during the day and prefer to sleep at night.
Beardies also go into a period of dormancy during the winter, where they eat very little and sleep a lot more. This is known as brumation.
When looking after a beardie, ensure that during nightfall, their enclosure is kept nice and dark so that they can sleep.
Red night lights are known to disrupt bearded dragons’ sleep, so avoid using them.
8. Odor-Free
Like most reptiles, these great Australian lizards are odor-free. Their body surface completely lacks any form of smell.
Where humans sweat to cool off, hence the odor, bearded dragons have a completely different odor-free way to handle body temperature regulation.
Beardies are cold-blooded, which means they rely on their environment for heat.
That is why they often lay on a basking rock under a reliable heat lamp. When it gets too hot internally for them, they simply open their mouths to prevent their bodies from overheating—a very odorless process.
The only smells that are likely to emerge will come from the enclosure, which can stink if not regularly cleaned. This is due to the beardie’s feces, which can smell pretty severely.
The solution is simple and involves periodically cleaning out the beardie’s tank and rid it of excrement.
For this, you will want some essential cleaning products to maintain good hygiene, and this will help to prevent bad odors but also prevent diseases and infections.
9. Good with Kids
Beardies truly make lovely pets for kids! They are incredibly laid back and easy to care for.
Another great reason is, unlike cats and dogs, beardies seldom cause an issue with allergies since they are hypoallergenic.
All this, coupled with the advantage of their long lifespan, ensures they will be around for a good while.
Your kid will enjoy the companionship for years to come
They don’t require too much attention, as they are quite happy within their enclosure and are content to sit in it alone for hours.
On a side note, they are also very parent-friendly for one good reason: beardies don’t make noise, and parents love it!
They are virtually silent, they don’t mess up the place or chew on objects around the house, and they certainly won’t poop all over your home!
They are virtually silent, they don’t mess up the place or chew on objects around the house, and they certainly won’t poop all over your home!
A fun way to get your beardie outside and active is to take him/her out for a stroll using a leash and harness.
They enjoy this simple activity, and it can be refreshing for both you and the little guy (or girl).
The bearded dragon is unique in so many ways, even among reptiles. Their tame nature and love of interaction with human keepers make them very desirable.
The plethora of behavioral patterns will keep you entertained for some time.
The points above are just a few of the many benefits you will get from owning a bearded dragon.
As long as you show proper care and attention, getting a bearded dragon is a decision that you will not regret.
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